
Showing posts from February, 2019

February 2019

The month of February has been really stressful to say the least, but at the same time it has exciting in many ways as well. This month I found out that I got accepted to medical school in Alabama and I’m really exciting to begin this new journey. With excitement also comes nervousness. I’m nervous about leaving New Orleans and going to a different state, meeting new people and above all starting a long journey in medical school. I am grateful that I did this master’s program because I feel I am well prepared for the medical school curriculum. Before starting medical school, I plan on traveling and relaxing but also, I want to finish this master’s program on a strong note. I want to do well on the NBME test because the material will be tested again in medical school. Furthermore, I reached out to Green Light New Orleans this month to see if there were any volunteering opportunities. Unfortunately, there were none this month but I do plan on reaching out to them a